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Safina Dupatta
S A F I N A , has intricate embroidery that adds a touch of elegance, while the mirror work creates a beautiful shimmer that catches the light. The vibrant...
Raha Dupatta
R A H A , This black dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color and unique...
Nazli Dupatta
N A Z L I , This Dark Brown dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color...
Dilara Dupatta
D I L A R A , This Charcoal Grey dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of...
Shirin Dupatta
S H I R I N, This Pastel Pink dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color...
Ghazal Dupatta
G H A Z A L, This Black dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color and...
Mirha Dupatta
M I R H A, This Olive Green dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color and...
Asmira Dupatta
A S M I R A, This Beige dupatta features exquisite embroidery and intricate mirror work that adds a beautiful sparkle. The vibrant appliqués bring a pop of color and...